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About Us

To carry on the business of in India or elsewhere of security services, detective services, investigation services, supply of security guards, gunman, labour for factories and industries, personnel supply services, supply of technical persons, provideannual maintenance services for machinery and office premises, provide housekeeping services and care taker services, provide travel and transportation services, supply staff and workers to industries, hotels, private and government undertakings, residential bunglows etc.

To carry on business of debt recovery services, installment recovery services, asset seizing service, factoring service, carry on agency of recovery agent for individual firms and companies, provide security services, collection services, provide ligations services, marketing services, provide consultancy relating to security and safety services to shops houses, business enterprises sport houses, banks, stadium public

The objects to be pursued by the company on its incorporation are:

1. Research and collaborate with foreign and domestic companies.

2. To act as agent of public/ private sector enterprises, financial institutions, banks, central government, state governments etc. engaged in planning and development of business.

3. To enter into arrangement with Government of India, Delhi Administration or any other Government, or States, or Local authority for the purpose of carrying out the objects of the      company or furthering its interest and to obtain from such Government or authority or persons any charters, subsidies, loans, indemnities, grants, contracts, agreement, licenses,            rights, concessions, privileges or immunities which the company may think it desirable to obtain and exercise or to comply with any such arrangement, rights, privileges, and                concessions.

4. To enter into agreements, contracts and collaborations with Indian, foreign individuals, companies, joint venture or other organizations for technical, financial or any other                     assistance of carrying out all or any of the objects of the Company.

5. To establish and maintain any agencies for the conduct of the business of the company or for the sale or supply of any materials or things.

6. To advertise for making known the business activities of the Company in any way as may be found expedient suitable.

7. To promote and establish such Companies, Associations, Advisory Boards and other suitable bodies as may be deemed necessary in order to carry out the aforesaid                                 objects effectively.

8. To promote and undertake the formation and establishment of such Matters which are necessary for furtherance of the objects specified in clause 3(a) are institutions, business               pools, combines, syndicates industrial, trading or manufacturing as may be considered to be conducive to the interest of the Company and acquire, promote, and or subsidize any           industry of undertaking and to carry on any other business (industrial, trading, manufacturing or other) which may seem to the Company capable of being conveniently carried on         in connection with any of the main objects of the company or otherwise calculated, directly or indirectly to augment the resources of the Company or to render any of                             the Company's properties or rights for the time being profitable.

9. To purchase or otherwise acquire and undertake the whole or any part of the business, property, rights, and liabilities of any person, firm or company carrying on any business               which this company is authorized to carry on and to purchase, acquire, apply for, hold, sell and deal in shares, stock or debentures or debenture stock of any such person, firm or           company.

10.To enter into any partnership or arrangement for joint working in business, sharing of profits, pooling of any industrial undertaking, joint venture or reciprocal concession or                 amalgamation, with any other company, firm or person, carrying on or engaged in any manufacture or business within the objects of this company or similar thereto.

11.To pay all the costs charges and expenses of and incidental to the promotion and formation, registration and establishments of the company and issue of its capital including any           under-writing or other commissions, brokers fee and charges, in connection therewith including costs, charges, expenses of negotiation and contracts and arrangements made prior       to and in anticipation of the formation and incorporation of the company. Page 4 of 7

12.To undertake and execute any trusts, the undertaking whereof may seem desirable either gratuitously or otherwise.

13. To sell, dispose of by way of lease or on hire or otherwise transfer business property and undertakings of the company, or any part thereof, for cash, stock or shares of any other            company or for any other consideration which the company may see fit to accept for the attainment of its objects.

14.To open and operate bank accounts with any bank or banking company.

15.To lend or deposit moneys belonging to or entrusted to or at the disposal of the Company to such person or Company and in particular to